
पढ़ाई और खेलों में समन्वय कैसे स्थापित करें

(ANU AGARWAL) शिक्षा मनुष्य का सर्वांगीण विकास करती है और उस विकास का पहला सोपान है- शारीरिक विकास| हमारे देश के अधिकांश अभिभावकों की मानसिकता यही है कि “खेलोगे कूदोगे बनोगे खराब पड़ोगे लिखोगे बनोगे नवाब| अभिभावकों को अपने बच्चों का खेलकूद में भाग लेना समय बर्बाद करने जैसा लगता है| परन्तु केवल मानसिक विकास […]

E-learning of the Educators

Teaching the students of today, who belong to a generation which excels in the usage of gadgets and touch screens is not an easy job, however, owing to COVID-19 pandemic when the onus of teaching such learners through online platform fell upon a generation not very conversant with gizmos, it became a herculean task for […]

How to Score Good Marks in Boards

-Isha Jain “If four things are followed – having a great aim, acquiring knowledge, hard work, and perseverance – then anything can be achieved.” A. P. J. Abdul Kalam More than anything one requires to face any challenge in life is fearlessness, optimism, patience, perseverance and hard work. Similarly, board exams are not much different. […]


-Kavita Bakshi Covid-19 Pandemic has made the whole world shut all across the globe. Schools are also closed worldwide to prevent the spread of the virus and resultantly, given the way to online classrooms. As a result, the drastic change in teaching and learning has become a challenge for teachers as well as students. Millions […]