

– Savita Kapoor Reading is one of the good habits that we can cultivate in ourselves from our childhood. Reading books, however, is recommended not just for augmenting once knowledge. It provides a sort of pleasure which is not available anywhere else. When a person starts reading a good novel such as one by Dickens […]

Parenting – SINGULARLY

-Isha Jain As a child, who wouldn’t want both the parents! As they say, it is the love, warmth and caress of a mother and the guidance, protection and fostering of a father that a child requires in order to grow up as a healthy individual. But the modern world calls for holistic parenting no […]


-Gagandeep Kaur With more and more women becoming astronauts, pilots, mountaineers, scientists, lawyers, politicians, wrestlers, cricketers, etc., and men sharing the burden of household chores and carrying their infants to the parks and malls in their baby slings, modern India is a result of what is called progressive parenting. The concept of the stronger sex […]

बच्चों के व्यवहार का प्रबंधन कैसे करें?

 (अनु अग्रवाल) एक कहावत है – जितनी सावधानी से छोटी मछली के व्यंजन पकाए जाते हैं उतनी ही नजाकत से एक परिवार को संभालना पड़ता है| परिवार में सबसे अधिक सावधानी और नजाकत से जिसको संभालना पड़ता है वो बच्चे होते हैं | हर दौर के माता-पिता और बच्चों के बीच रिश्ते बदलते रहे हैं […]