– Savita Kapoor Reading is one of the good habits that we can cultivate in ourselves from our childhood. Reading books, however, is recommended not just for augmenting once knowledge. It provides a sort of pleasure which is not available anywhere else. When a person starts reading a good novel such as one by Dickens […]
Parenting – SINGULARLY
-Isha Jain As a child, who wouldn’t want both the parents! As they say, it is the love, warmth and caress of a mother and the guidance, protection and fostering of a father that a child requires in order to grow up as a healthy individual. But the modern world calls for holistic parenting no […]
-Gagandeep Kaur With more and more women becoming astronauts, pilots, mountaineers, scientists, lawyers, politicians, wrestlers, cricketers, etc., and men sharing the burden of household chores and carrying their infants to the parks and malls in their baby slings, modern India is a result of what is called progressive parenting. The concept of the stronger sex […]
बच्चों के व्यवहार का प्रबंधन कैसे करें?
(अनु अग्रवाल) एक कहावत है – जितनी सावधानी से छोटी मछली के व्यंजन पकाए जाते हैं उतनी ही नजाकत से एक परिवार को संभालना पड़ता है| परिवार में सबसे अधिक सावधानी और नजाकत से जिसको संभालना पड़ता है वो बच्चे होते हैं | हर दौर के माता-पिता और बच्चों के बीच रिश्ते बदलते रहे हैं […]
Importance of Guidance and Counselling in a Student’s Life
– Savita Kapoor It is said that school is the second home of a child, therefore, the role of the teacher is equal to the role of a parent. One of these roles is giving proper guidance to the child. Guidance is the process of helping individuals to discover and develop their educational, vocational and […]
Talking your way through Silence…
-Isha Jain “People cry, not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for too long.” -Johnny Depp. The whole conversation becomes incommunicado. Yes! Incommunicado! WHY? The Internet Generation is so busy posting and commenting, tweeting and re-posting. They often overlook the one sitting right in front of them. Why? Why we are so involved […]
Conquer the fear of board exams
-Gagandeep Kaur With board exams just around the corner, the stress of classes X and XII students is at its highest. The current scenario of the closure of schools owing to the pandemic has aggravated the issue even further. The students, who should be focusing only on exams, are in a dilemma about how to […]
परिश्रम ही सफलता की कुंजी है
(अनु अग्रवाल ) जो अपना जीवन श्रम को अर्पित करता है, हर उन्नति मुट्ठी में आकर कस जाती है जो श्रम की राहों का राही बन जाता है, हर सिद्धि उसी के पाँवों में बंध जाती है परिश्रम उस चुम्बक के समान है जिसके आकर्षण में सब प्रकार की सुख-समृधि स्वयमेव खिंची चली जाती है […]
Importance of Moral Values in a student’s life
-Savita Kapoor Everyone knows that life is precious. Everyone in this world is running after one thing or the other. No matter what you do, your ultimate goal, beyond what you are trying to accomplish at the moment, is to achieve your own happiness and become a good person. Look around yourself, how many people […]
-Kavita Bakshi Have you ever been in a position or situation where you felt hesitant to share your thoughts or views publically? Our shyness, fear and insecurities hold us back and in spite of our wish, we are not able to express ourselves. Negative thoughts appear when we lack confidence, a sense of inferiority and […]
-Isha Jain Benjamin Franklin rightly said, “Time is money” and web series taught us, “Money is time”. Twenty-four hours of the day, seven days of the week, three sixty-five days of the year, one thousand our hundred and forty minutes of a day, eighty-six thousand and four hundred seconds of a day, sometimes, feel less!! […]
Gen Z’s strife with Coronavirus
– Gagandeep Kaur With the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, physical distancing seemed to be the only measure working in favour of humanity, against all odds. This distancing has led to schools being shut down indefinitely, thus, affecting the mental health of our precious warriors of the future. With the increase in cases of stress, anxiety, impatience, […]
छात्र जीवन में अनुशासन का महत्व
(अनु अग्रवाल) अनुशासन राष्ट्र हित में जरुरी है | न सोचो कि यह कोई मजबूरी है| कर्तव्यों का पालन हमारी जिम्मेदारी है| अनुशासित रहना ही हमारी समझदारी है| कोई भी राष्ट्र अपने नागरिकों के कारण ही उन्नति के शिखर पर चढ़ता है और पतन के गर्त में गिरता है इसलिए किसी भी राष्ट्र की […]
पढ़ाई और खेलों में समन्वय कैसे स्थापित करें
(ANU AGARWAL) शिक्षा मनुष्य का सर्वांगीण विकास करती है और उस विकास का पहला सोपान है- शारीरिक विकास| हमारे देश के अधिकांश अभिभावकों की मानसिकता यही है कि “खेलोगे कूदोगे बनोगे खराब पड़ोगे लिखोगे बनोगे नवाब| अभिभावकों को अपने बच्चों का खेलकूद में भाग लेना समय बर्बाद करने जैसा लगता है| परन्तु केवल मानसिक विकास […]
E-learning of the Educators
Teaching the students of today, who belong to a generation which excels in the usage of gadgets and touch screens is not an easy job, however, owing to COVID-19 pandemic when the onus of teaching such learners through online platform fell upon a generation not very conversant with gizmos, it became a herculean task for […]
How to Score Good Marks in Boards
-Isha Jain “If four things are followed – having a great aim, acquiring knowledge, hard work, and perseverance – then anything can be achieved.” A. P. J. Abdul Kalam More than anything one requires to face any challenge in life is fearlessness, optimism, patience, perseverance and hard work. Similarly, board exams are not much different. […]
-Kavita Bakshi Covid-19 Pandemic has made the whole world shut all across the globe. Schools are also closed worldwide to prevent the spread of the virus and resultantly, given the way to online classrooms. As a result, the drastic change in teaching and learning has become a challenge for teachers as well as students. Millions […]
– Savita Kapoor Winners build on mistakes; Losers dwell on them. The present world can be called the world of competition. In every field, one has to clear the competition to prove his or her capability. It allows the person to work hard and to get effective results. It is human nature that we have […]
– Kavita Bakshi STRESS- is a cumbersome element which somehow deteriorates the mental aura of any being. and The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another. Stress is a part of everybody’s life. We all must have undergone stress in our lives. It varies from person to person. For […]
ऑनलाइन शिक्षण : अध्यापकों के लिए चुनौती
(अनु अग्रवाल ) कोविड संकट ने इंसानों के जीवन के हर पक्ष को प्रभावित किया है | शिक्षा जगत पर भी इसका व्यापक असर पड़ा है | शिक्षण संस्थानों ने कोरोना से उत्पन्न समस्या को एक अवसर मानते हुए ऑनलाइन शिक्षण को अपना लिया| कुछ समय पूर्व तक बच्चे,शिक्षक और अभिभावक ही शिक्षा के मुख्य […]
Digitally literate seniors- a by product of COVID
– Gagandeep Kaur ‘Necessity is the mother of invention.’ This proverb normally goes good when it comes to scientific progression but in present times, this has been validated by the seniors in our life who have invented their potential of learning like never before, when it was required the most. COVID-19 lockdown has definitely accelerated […]
2020 – A Year of Regeneration
– Isha Jain “As long as you don’t die, there’s hope and as long as there’s hope, there’s a possibility and as long as there’s a possibility, you must continue to live.” Quoted in an animation series. But well said!! Isn’t it? Why we want everything as planned by us? Why a sudden blockage shudders […]
Banning of Chinese apps
-Savita Kapoor Is banning of Chinese apps was a right attempt taken by the government of India? This question arises in every Indian’s mind during this time of the Pandemic. India has recently banned 59 Chinese mobile applications which is a strong signal which may not hurt India given the alternatives in the ever-growing app market. […]
How to play with children during COVID-19
– Gagandeep Kaur ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’, this is a proverb that we all had studied when we were kids but in reality, it is for the very first time that we are witnessing the practical implication of the same. It is true that the recent outbreak of the ongoing pandemic COVID-19 is […]
– Kavita Bakshi “Mobile phones are misnamed. They should be called gateways to human knowledge.” ..A VERY INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE BY RAY KURZWEIL. As the global flue pandemic unfolds the globe, it also had an acute impact on the milieu. It has made the students’ life upside down. They are likely to be experiencing fear and […]
…….Because saying Nothing says Something
-Isha Jain “I had locked myself inside the room for days .” “I never talked to anyone about how I feel.” “It was difficult to cope up with the pressure.” “I think everyone makes fun of me .” “I had sleepless nights but I was scared to share. ” “I looked for confidants but could […]
-Savita Kapoor Life is chaotic right now. It’s just not how I thought this semester would go. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, these are your primary responses as I continually ask the question, “Are you doing OK?” I’m sorry, and I know it’s not fair. I feel like I should be doing something. Along those lines, […]
Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Mother Teresa, Albert Einstein, Helen Keller and many more… Time Management is very essential in student’s life. It is very important for students to set their time, make their deadlines and get the productive […]
One language sets you in the corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way. […]
The ultimate aim of the education system is to shift the individual the burden of pursuing his own education. This will not be widely shared pursuit until we get over our odd conviction that education is what goes on in education building nowhere else […]
“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” Discipline is considered to be a key to success and certainly, there is no doubt on the same but sometimes this word becomes critical when it is used in reference to the education field. There has been much controversy regarding the same which is not on how important […]
A school is a place developing the young buds into the flowers which make the world a place full of fragrance, a place worth living, to cherish the journey we call life. Schooling is an integral part of one’s life that paves the path to one’s success. It is the foundation that decides the future of the […]